
Food and monetary donations are gratefully accepted.

Unopened, unexpired food items may be dropped off when we are open on Monday and Wednesday.  Canned and packaged food, as well as home-grown produce and eggs, are welcome.  In particular, bottled juices, cereal, store packaged meats, and domestic animal & game processed by Bar MW Meats, Hamilton Packing, or Lolo Locker (approved meat processors) are appreciated.  Personal care products and pet food are also accepted.  Donors may leave non-perishable items in a basket at Super 1.

Monetary donations can be mailed to P.O. Box 806, Stevensville, MT 59870 or dropped off at the pantry when we’re open on Monday or Wednesday.

Through the Hunters Against Hunger program, hunters can donate $1 or more when they purchase deer, antelope, elk, moose, or wild buffalo licenses, which pays for processing game that’s donated to food banks.  Hunters can also donate all or part of their game animal to any participating meat processor.  Non-hunters who want to support this program can donate funds through the Montana Food Bank Network, Hunters Against Hunger Program link.

4-H members may also donate their livestock by taking it to Bar MW Meats, Hamilton Packing, or Lolo Locker (approved meat processors).

Pantry Partners is a 501(c)3 organization.  Annually, donors receive a thank you letter summarizing their donations for tax purposes.